Meyer lemons are in season and they are my new favorite thing to bake with! These sweet and slightly tart lemons are delicious in baked goods. And what goes better than lemon and ginger? You must try these Meyer lemon and ginger scones!

These are not going to be as tart as your typical run of the mill lemon scones. Instead you will get a sweet flavor with hints from the spicy crystallized ginger. A match made in heaven!

And the best thing is they come together so quickly! I made and took all these pictures in the morning before church! It did help that my husband was up early to serve in both services at church this Sunday. Sunday mornings in our house always consist of family breakfast and then the hustle to get to church and children’s formation before church.

And weekends just call for scones! There is nothing better to start the morning than scones, eggs, and coffee/tea whatever hot drink moves you! I used to not be a coffee drinker but 2023 has turned me into one! More on that in another post!

Ingredients for Meyer lemon and ginger scones

  • 2 2/3 cup GF Flour (I use Bob Red Mill 1 to 1 flour)
  • 2 Meyer lemons zested and juiced ~ 1/4 cup Meyer lemon juice
  • 1 TBS Baking powder
  • 1/2 cup dextrose (or sugar or sugar substitute of choice)
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 cup milk

First combine the flour, baking powder, zest, and dextrose or sugar substitute and stir until combined. Now cut in your butter I used two knives until pea-sized and crumbly. Now mix in your Meyer lemon juice and milk and stir to combine. The mixture will be crumbly. Take your hands and form them into a ball, if need more liquid to add 1 TBS of milk at a time. But make sure you don’t make your mixture too wet or your scones will be very sticky and not cut apart well. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and flatten into an 8-inch disk. Cut the disk into 8 wedges and separate to bake at 350 degrees F for 20-22 minutes.

Icing ingredients

  • Zest and juice from 1 Meyer lemon
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

While the scones are cooking combine powdered sugar and Meyer lemon zest together to combine and sit to meld the flavors together. Add 1-2 TBS of Meyer lemon juice to form a frosting. I did 2 TBS and it turned into more of a drizzle if you want more of a frosting consistency start with 1 TBS and then add from there until reach desired consistency.

These not only are sweet and delicious they are also pretty to look at with the Meyer lemon zest in the icing! I wanted to eat another one but stuck with one so my tummy didn’t get upset. To limit the number of fodmaps I would stick to one scone per serving.

For other Meyer lemon recipes and to learn more about the differences between Meyer lemon and regular lemons check out the previous posting:

Meyer lemon scones with lime frosting

Gluten-Free Meyer lemon and ginger scones

Sweet lemony flavor with hints of spicy ginger bits inside a flaky, buttery scone. So delicious it will be hard to only eat one.
Course Breakfast
Keyword Gluten free, Low fodmap
Servings 8 scones


  • 2 2/3 cup GF flour (Bob Red Mill 1 to 1 flour)
  • 1 TBS GF baking powder
  • 1/2 cup Dextrose or sugar/sugar substitute
  • 1 stick butter
  • 2 Meyer lemons zested
  • 1/4 cup Meyer lemon juice fresh squeezed
  • 1 cup Fairlife Milk or milk substitute

Meyer Lemon Icing

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1-2 TBS Meyer lemon juice


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  • In a large bowl combine together GF flour, baking powder, dextrose (sugar substitute),and Meyer lemon zest.
  • Add the stick of butter cut into cubes and cut the butter into the flour mixture. I used two knives you can also use a pastry cutter. Cut it until pea-sized and crumbly in texture.
  • Add the Meyer lemon juice and milk and stir to combine. The mixture will still be crumbly but should be starting to stick slightly together in places. If still seems very dry add 1 TBS milk at a time. (Make sure to not add too much milk as it gets very wet very quickly!)
  • With your hands combine the mixture into a ball. I do this right in the bowl but feel free to do it on a cutting board or flour-lined surface. Place the ball on your parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Flatten the ball to an 8-inch disk. Cut the disk into 8 wedges. Separate the wedges and back at 400 degrees F for 20-22 minutes or until lightly browned.
  • While scones are cooking, combine your powdered sugar and Meyer lemon zest to sit. While scones are cooling combine the Meyer lemon juice 1 TBS at a time with the powdered sugar mixture until desired frequency of frosting.
  • Once scones cooled to your liking (I still ice when partly warm as we like to eat them warm) ice your scones. I typically take a spoon or small silicone spoon and drizzle the icing on top of the scones. Now eat and enjoy!
  • Leftovers scones can be stored on the countertop in a closed container for 3-5 days.