Hi I’m Keri. This is my adventure with eating a low fodmap/gluten free lifestyle. After I was diagnosed 8 years ago with a fructose intolerance I have learned again to love and enjoy food! It was a long journey to learn to adapt and enjoy food again. I remember feeling like I was never going to find food to enjoy. At times it was hard to find even recipes or what I could/couldn’t eat. I don’t want others to feel this! *Also note I am not a registered dietician so please adapt and learn your own needs/intolerance* Join me and learn to adapt recipes, learn to travel without fear, and find food to eat!

As a family of four with two busy kids we still daily have at least a sit down dinner together. Food and time together is a priority in our house and definitely one of my love languages. Cooking daily sometimes is hard to do as two busy full time working parents that are busy running the roads between Raleigh and Durham, NC.

I have been photographing my food and baking for a while now and have decided to start a blog and share with others. My goal is to further perfect my photography eye. But this blog is also real life so everything won’t always be Pinterest/Instagram perfection! I hope you will join me on this journey and learn that a low fodmap/gluten free lifestyle is doable and there a TON of things that you can still eat!